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RentHelpMN - Targeted Assistance
For those who reside in Ramsey County

RentHelpMN – Targeted Assistance is a federally funded, referral-based program providing direct assistance for renters who have experienced or are at risk of financial hardship due to the COVID-19 pandemic. It’s designed to help prevent homelessness and maintain housing stability.


Minnesota Housing is partnering with service providers across the state to administer the program. Service providers are working within their communities to identify eligible renters and help them apply for the program through referrals.


Note: The general RentHelpMN program remains closed and is not accepting applications. It closed on January 28, 2022, and will not reopen.  â€‹


RentHelpMN – Targeted Assistance provides renter households access to referral-based direct assistance through Housing Stability Services (HSS) providers. Minnesota One-Stop for Communities is a Housing Stability Service provider so if you live in Ramsey County and need help in remaining housed, with deposits and rents, application fees or other rental housing expenses, please fill out the information below. 


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